
Jen Marples

I am the self-proclaimed number one champion of midlife women and a cheerleader for all women. I’m an agency owner, keynote speaker, podcaster, and leader in the midlife women’s empowerment movement.




Acting AS IF to Get What You Want

We’ve all heard of the practice of dressing for the job you want, not the job you have, but I would like to take this a step further and encourage you to also ACT as if you are the person you want to become. That’s why episode 45 of The Jen Marples Show is about acting AS IF to get what you want!

In this episode of The Jen Marples Show, I’m sharing the importance of creating this alter ego of the successful person that has already achieved everything you want and then stepping into this alter ego to become this person yourself. 

If you make this a habit in your life, you’re eventually going to wake up one day and realize you ARE the person you’ve been acting like all this time.

Make sure to listen to the entire episode to receive inspiration, tips, and advice that will help you change your life and improve your business.

Thank you for listening!

If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me on Instagram @jenmarples!  And don’t forget to subscribe, rate and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways.



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