
Jen Marples

I am the self-proclaimed number one champion of midlife women and a cheerleader for all women. I’m an agency owner, keynote speaker, podcaster, and leader in the midlife women’s empowerment movement.




Women Supporting Women: We Must Do Better

Society has conditioned us to compete with other women constantly, and it’s time we do better in supporting one another. This week, episode 72 of The Jen Marples Show is about women supporting women and how we must do better!

In this episode of The Jen Marples Show, I’m sharing the importance of banding together and supporting our fellow women in life and business. 

Here are 10 actionable steps we can all take right now to better support each other:

  1. Take notice when you have a negative thought about another woman and flip it to a more positive thought. 

  2. Normalize asking for support and reciprocating that support when possible. 

  3. Surround yourself with positive women. 

  4. Wildly promote other women like your life depends on it. 

  5. Go all in on networking with the goal of helping others vs. yourself.

  6. Look for ways to connect women be it for business, social, or other purposes. 

  7. Bring other women to the table and give them the space and encouragement to share their ideas. 

  8. Go above and beyond to support your friends on social media. 

  9. Once a week, go out of your way and ask someone how you can help them.

  10. Do not ask or expect your friends to work for free. 

We are undeniably stronger and better together!

Make sure to listen to the entire episode to receive inspiration, tips, and advice that will help you change your life and improve your business.

Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me on Instagram @jenmarples!  And don’t forget to follow, rate and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways!


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