Women so often are the behind-the-scenes supporters of others that they feel invisible, but being seen is about stepping into that attitude and standing confident in themselves. That’s why episode 14 of The Jen Marples Show is about reclaiming your power of being seen again!
In this episode of The Jen Marples Show, my guest Christine Morrison shares the importance of feeling confident in yourself and taking actionable steps right now to get over your fear to overcome the uphill challenges to success. Some of the talking points Christine and I go over in this episode include:
Starting over with a 21-year-old mindset to recenter yourself and be open to the opportunities that come your way.
Staying in your lane of what you’re passionate about to not stray too far off of your path.
The importance of keeping your finger on the pulse when taking a step away from your career.
What you need to do to stand confidently in yourself and reclaim the power of being seen.
Getting over your fear of success and diving right into the uphill challenges that you are meant to overcome.
Being intentional about what you choose to include in your life so that you can have the life you want with balance.
Accept who you are and do what you can to feel good about yourself in all aspects.
Make sure to listen to the entire episode to receive inspiration, tips, and advice that will help you change your life and improve your business.
Thank you for listening!
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