
Jen Marples

I am the self-proclaimed number one champion of midlife women and a cheerleader for all women. I’m an agency owner, keynote speaker, podcaster, and leader in the midlife women’s empowerment movement.




Redefining Success and Staying Relevant in Today’s Workforce with Lee Caraher

Redefining Success and Staying Relevant in Today's Workforce with Badass Communications Leader, Founder, & Author, Lee Caraher2

The Jen Marples Show episode 172 is here!

Summer reruns gave me an excuse to share another fabulous conversation with my friend and longtime colleague and sounding board, Lee Caraher. Lee’s someone I call when I can’t see the forest through the trees. We’ve been going on 23+ years now and I lean into Lee’s zest for life, brilliance, humor, and gregariousness. You are going to love her and this conversation as much as I do! She’s the reason yours truly had the cojones to go with You’re Not Too F***ing Old! as my rallying cry!

We talk about entrepreneurship, defining success on our terms, staying relevant and adopting an attitude of always be learning – which is critical for everyone in business today but especially in midlife. We also dig into pivoting, getting back into the workforce, redefining success, stopping caring what people think, and so much more!

Lee Caraher is a seasoned entrepreneur and the founder of Double Forte, a leading national strategic communications agency. With a focus on clarity and positive impact, Lee and her team empower organizations to achieve their goals through powerful communication strategies. As a published author and captivating speaker, Lee shares her expertise on the transformative power of clear communication with audiences nationwide. Her infectious laugh and unwavering optimism underscore her commitment to making a lasting impact in the world of communication.

Lee and I discuss:

  • Embracing lifelong learning to stay relevant, energized, and employable..
  • Setting strategic boundaries to attract the right clients and projects.
  • How to prune the friend garden and get rid of non-supportive people.
  • Taking charge of your financial future today to avoid surprises.
  • The importance of insurance: home, life, and health. 
  • Redefining success on your terms and not society’s.

Lee Says: You’re Not Too F***ing Old! to create a life that lights you up, both personally and professionally.

I hope you enjoyed today’s show! If you’d like to find out more about how I can help you achieve your business or life dreams, you can book a complimentary 20-minute call HERE. Visit my website at www.jenmarples.com and if you sign up for my newsletter, I’ve got two free juicy gifts for you, my Stepping Into The Spotlight guide if you’re ready to be seen and heard and my 12 Steps to Pivot guide if you’re itching for a change but don’t know where to begin. 

I’d love to connect with you on social media so please follow me @jenmarples on Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok and YouTube, and let me know if you listen to the show! Nothing makes me happier than connecting with you dear listener. 

Finally, my mission is to empower millions of midlife women, but I can’t do it alone! Please help me by leaving a 5-star rating and written review on Apple HERE and a 5-Star rating on Spotify HERE. Thank you and have a beautiful day!

Learn more about Jen Marples at https://www.jenmarples.com/ 

Unedited AI Transcript Here


Double Forte




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